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Basic user guide


You use MicrOS by entering commands. Those are normally sent over the serial connection and then processed by the board.

Those commands usually use one of the following syntax:

Command list

A list of the MicrOS version 1.01 commands:

main sub/argument argument Description
sysconf customIO none/input/output/both disable/enable custom IO
reset reset everything including files
echo (some text) echo the text you have entered
help shows website link for help
sysinfo displays system information
dir lists files in the current directory
storage list lists all storage devices
repair fixes storage issues on sto0
run (filename) run the specified program
single kill all other tasks before running
task list lists all currently running tasks
kill (PID) kill the task with the defined PID
debug error causes an intentional error

Debug commands are only available in debug mode!

Task system

MicrOS is a multitasking operating system. This allows you to run multiple programs or instances of a program at the same time. Using the 'single' argument for the 'run' command, will kill all other tasks before executing the defined program. This might be helpful for some programs.

To see all currently running tasks, run 'task list'. This will display all currently running tasks and their PID. To kill a task, run 'task kill (PID)'.


MicrOS uses the EEPROM of the board to store programs you have coded and other things like the system configuration. To do this, MicrOS uses the mfs1 (micro file-system version 1). The setup assistant will format your EEPROM to mfs1 the first time you launch MicrOS (it will ask you before, so do not worry).

Formatting the EEPROM will erase all of its stored data! This cannot be undone!

If you encounter any error that your EEPROM is corrupted, you can run 'storage repair'. This does not always work, but it is worth a try.


To reset MicrOS, simply run 'sysconf reset'. You will be asked if you want to continue. If you decide to do so, the system will reset after waiting 60 seconds.

Resetting the system does NOT format your EEPROM! It will simply change the configuration. This causes the system to run the initial setup again, the next time you start the board.

Debug mode

Debug mode can only be enabled in the code itself by changing the line 'const bool debugMode = false/true'.

It is NOT recommended to enable debug mode unless you are trying to debug the operating system itself!

Errors and possible solutions

Error Solution
Invalid IO configuration! run 'sysconf customIO none/input/output/both'
Manually triggered error! disable debug mode
Disk st0 is corrupted! run 'storage repair'
Invalid mfs1 read instruction! if this happens multiple times, open an issue on GitHub

If you encounter a different error or problem multiple times, please open an issue on GitHub!


Suggestions can also be made on the GitHub page using an issue.


Do you have any other questions, ideas, ...?

Send me an e-mail and I will try to respond as quick as possible!

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