/|    //| |                          //   ) ) //   ) )
    //|   // | |    ( )  ___      __     //   / / ((
   // |  //  | |   / / //   ) ) //  ) ) //   / /    \\
  //  | //   | |  / / //       //      //   / /       ) )
 //   |//    | | / / ((____   //      ((___/ / ((___ / /

Setup and configuration guide

Change the serial baud rate:

Simply locate the following line and change it to your desired value.

Change your serial baud rate here

Configure other input or output devices:

  1. Add the libraries in the section for those.
  2. Add libraries and function code here
  3. Configure the code for input and/or output in the functions called customInput() and customOutput().
  4. Upload the sketch to your Arduino.
  5. Run the command matching your setup:
    • 'sysconf customIO none' to disable custom input and output
    • 'sysconf customIO input' to enable only custom input
    • 'sysconf customIO output' to enable only custom output
    • 'sysconf customIO both' to enable custom input and output
  6. Your configuration will be saved to the EEPROM!
  7. You should now be able to use your new input and/or output device!

Warning: Try to avoid delays in your IO functions. This would slow down the entire system.

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